Labour law
- Design and review of contracts of employment of all sorts
- Defence against unjustified claims of employees
The employer has no right to invoke the invalidity of a works meeting resolution and refuse to withhold a works council contribution
The employer is neither entitled nor obliged to conduct investigations into the internal decision-making process of the works meeting.
MoreCompany agreements must respect the terms of collective agreements
Company agreements must respect the terms of collective agreements and of the working time act – if various legal norms are in conflict, the norm most favourable to the worker concerned will be applicable.
MoreDismissals must be made immediately – even in the case of time off!
For an employee to be effectively dismissed, there must not only be a reason for dismissal, it is also very important that the dismissal is pronounced immediately. This also applies in the case of exemption from duty.
MoreCo-agreed customer protection clause is allowed despite ineffective rival clause – agreed penalty remains upheld
If the parties agree that the employee may not open or participate in a competing company one year after termination of the employment relationship, they shall also assume that the employee may not poach any customers of the employer during this period. This customer protection clause is “co-agreed”. The non-solicitation clause remains permissible even if the non-competition clause goes too far and is ineffective. In this case, the contractual penalty agreed for the competition activity can also be demanded in the case of poaching of customers.
MoreMeal vouchers for retired employees?
Ein Unternehmen gewährte sowohl seinen aktiven als auch seinen pensionierten Arbeitnehmern „seit ewig“ Essenbons. Nach der Umstellung auf eine Wertkarte, die nur mehr an die aktiven Mitarbeiter ausgegeben wurde, klagte ein pensionierter Dienstnehmer – mit dem Argument der betrieblichen Übung – auf Nachzahlung der ihm verwehrten Essensbons und auf Feststellung, dass das Unternehmen verpflichtet sei, ihm in Zukunft eine Wertkarte zur Verfügung zu stellen.