Dr. Bernhard Huber, LLM, lawyer and partner
Study of law at the University of Linz (Mag. iur. 1987), Doctoral studies at the University of Vienna (Dr. iur.1991).
Master of Laws from Emory University, School of Law, Atlanta, USA.
(LL.M., Summer 1990 )
Doctoral thesis “Das Rabattgesetz – Ratio und Interpretation” supervisor Professor Dr. Heinz Krejci.
Attorney at law since 1994.
EU: New regulatives for cross-border relocation
For the first time, it has now been legally regulated at EU level with Directive (EU) 2019/2121 that and how cross-border relocations can take place.
MorePossibility of capital increase in companies with privileged founding rights?
In a current decision, the Supreme Court made clear that the capital of a company with privileged founding is possible with the simultaneous addition of a new partner. However, the privileges may no longer be used in this step. Accordingly, only the capital contribution and no foundation-privileged capital contribution must be entered in the commercial register for these new shareholders.
MoreCaution when drafting new company contracts if only individual positions are changed
When drafting new company contracts it is important to know that the court is also potent to judge the clauses that were already part of the “old” submitted company contract.