Dr. Elisabeth Achatz-Kandut, lawyer in cooperation

Study of law at the University of Graz (Mag. iur. 1988)

Diploma thesis “Gesellschaftsrechtliche Probleme der Publikumsanlagengesellschaft” supervisor Prof. Dr. Gunter Nitsche.

Assistant at Institute for Commercial and Securities Law of University of Graz.

Graduation in 1990
Doctoral thesis “Gläubigerschutz und Konzerninsolvenz” supervisor  Prof. DDr. Waldemar Jud.

From 1990 to 1993 legal assistant to management board of Steiermärkische Landesholding GmbH.

Attorney at law since 2000.

University lecturer at Johannes Kepler University, Linz, since 2002.


Dr. Elisabeth Achatz-Kandut

Beware of internal group financing in times of crisis!

A recent decision by the Austrian Supreme Court (OGH) brings a further tightening of liability for loans granted by group companies in crisis. OGH extends refund claim for downstream loans against the controlling parent company of the group. The Supreme Court affirms the right to compensation for disadvantages within the Group in the case of vertical lending (downstream) beyond the wording of the Austrian Equity Capital Act (EKEG) and beyond the principles of the prohibition of return of deposits.

