Mag. Elisabeth Nagel, lawyer and partner
Study of law at the University of Linz (Mag. iur. 1999).
Attorney at law since February 2005.
Lecturer at Johannes Kepler University Linz institute for business law.
Counsel of choice to the Austrian chamber of commerce for commercial agents.

„Hofer Preis“ – Admissibility of advertising
Advertising claims must not be misleading and not condescend competitors across the board. Advertisements in the form of rhymes or verses are to be judged more leniently with regard to their suitability for misleading, as these are not taken literally by consumers and automatically reduced to an appropriate level.
MorePosting a photo on Facebook – what about copyright?
If a photo is uploaded to a Facebook group without the consent of the entitled person, there is a copyright infringement, unless it is a private group.
MoreAgreed waiver of warranty when buying a used car – which defects are included?
A waiver of warranty does not include every defect. Assured characteristics or maliciously concealed defects are not included.