Mag. Eva Huber-Stockinger MBA, lawyer and partner
Study of law at the University of Linz (Mag. iur. 1987).
In-house-counsel legal department of voestalpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH from 1989 to 1992, with focus on corporate law, negotiation and drafting of contracts, and international trade law.
University course of studies for export, University of Linz, 1992 (passed with distinction).
Attorney at law since 1996.
1998 training as mediator, special training and work as business mediator, registered mediator pursuant to Zivilrechtsmediationsgesetz (Civil Law Mediation Act).

And again – news concerning the form of wills!
For a will or testamentary disposition to be valid, it must not only bear the date and signature of the testator, but also have a substantive or external connection with the sheet on which it is disposed.
MoreIs the copy of a testament with handwritten additions a valid will?
A copy of a testament written by one's own hand is not a formal testamentary disposition. Not even if it contains handwritten additions.
MoreAttention should be paid to correctly signing a will!
Formal requirements include the witness’ signature right on the document the will is written. Additional documents just for signing purposes must not be used by the witness, otherwise danger of false attribution is imminent.