Mag. Laura Schobesberger, lawyer and partner
Study of law at the University Vienna (Mag. iur. 2014).
Practical training in the courts BG Linz, BG Traun and LG Linz 2014-2015.
Attorney candidate since 2015.
Attorney at law since August 2019.

In the company name “Georg” instead of “Jörg” – obstacle for registration?
If a company is to be named after one of its shareholders and the first name is slightly changed for better international understanding, this does not cause a deception. However, a person whose academic title is component of the company´s name has to have significant influence on the companies governance.
MoreLiability of the operator of a restaurant in the event of injury of the guest?
The operator of a restaurant is not responsible for the faulty assembling of a washbasin by a commissioned installer according to § 1313a ABGB if the washbasin subsequently becomes detached from the wall and injures a guest through no fault of the operator of the restaurant.
MoreLiability of shopkeepers in shopping centres
In the event of damage in shopping centers, it is relevant whether there is a close relationship to the conclusion of the contract with shopkeepers. In this case, these are liable, even if damage occurs in general areas such as parking lots and lift systems. Subsidiary claims against the operator of the shopping center do not exist.